Up-Graded Mason Jar!

So I saw this tutorial on Pinterest. I have quite a collection of mason jars (they were half off at Hobby Lobby one day- couldn’t resist!) Well this looked easy enough, and I just happen to finish a carton of milk that morning!



Gather what you need: Carton, scissors, a pen and a mason jar

What you need



Cut a big square out of the top of the carton (after you open the carton)

Cut off the top



Then trace a circle. Make sure you put the spout where you want it. I put mine closer to the rim.

I traced the outside but ending up trimming it a bit. You want it smaller than the outside but bigger than the inner hole.. hope that makes sense!

Trace your circle



Ta-Da!! Now I have to find something to fill it with.. I’m thinking baking soda!

That little project took about 5 minutes. Yay.

There you go!


PS: After cutting the piece I needed from the carton I cleaned it with a little soap (checked to make sure it doesn’t smell) and dried it. Now I’m letting it completely dry before I use it.